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Living My Normal, Blind Life to the Fullest

My story is probably pretty boring to some. I am a husband, father and content creator who just happens to be visually impaired. I spend my days at home, making sure my kids are taken care of, making podcasts and videos, preparing dinner and so forth.

A close-up shot of Derek Daniel smiling for the camera

My story is probably pretty boring to some. I am a husband, father and content creator who just happens to be visually impaired.

I spend my days at home, making sure my kids are taken care of, making podcasts and videos, preparing dinner and so forth. It’s not the most exciting life, but it is my life. And, I think it displays what being a VIP is all about.

It’s more than trying to do “amazing” things as a blind person. It is about getting up every day and living your life to the fullest.

For me, that means making sure that kids are fed and content is made. But, for you, it could be totally different.

I lost my sight at the age of 18 to a genetic disease called Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy or LHON. I was totally unprepared to lose my sight – as most people are.

But, over the years, I have learned to adapt the things around me to live life each day to the fullest. I have been able to perform on stage in a variety of shows, including working at a theme park in the entertainment department. I also spent over a decade in full-time ministry.

With my entertainment and ministry background, I now strive to help others discover life after losing sight through my website at I create encouraging, entertaining and informative content and videos on my YouTube channel.

The beauty is… my story and your story, while very different, have something wonderful in common. We are living our lives each day… to the fullest.

Get Derek’s take on what it means to live in a BlindNewWorld in this video:

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